
2 Mar 2013

Tablet of Ren Yun

This tablet spawns on top of Mount Neverest in Kun Lai Summit, right next to the statue of Ren Yun the Blind. When looted, it will give to able cooks the recipe for Four Senses Brew.

Tablet of Ren Yun
Container: Tablet of Ren Yun
Looted item: Tablet of Ren Yun


  1. why cant I see the recipe standing beside the blind stonestatue? :/ have a good day //eva i ´n sweden

  2. but I need it to get to better cookinglabel ,all my recipec are grey Im really sad ,I have search everywhere in all basecamps and so on to get the start of the quest so I should be okey for finding the stoneblock up there ,have been there at least 10 times ...
